Monday, January 18, 2010


This week I looked at Go!Animate, It is a very simple animated story telling software you can use on the internet. Students can take a book report project and turn it into an animated story. The standards in a lesson using Go!Animate could include creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, research, critical thinking, problem solving and decision making, and would inspire digital citizenship.

Unfortunately after investigating this product further I found many blogs stating that their schools had blocked the site due to some content being not suitable for children. Good new though, the maker of Go!Animate produced a site just for kids called Domo Animate,, where the backgrounds are preset and the characters are age appropriate. The software is easy to use and can make a boring report much more fun and interesting.

Here is an example of one project: Pangaea Project by partlikarockstar

Like it? Create your own at

Best part it's free and fun!

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